Cognitive decline - Vital Hormone Clinic

What is Cognitive Decline?

Cognitive decline refers to a gradual worsening of brain functions such as thinking, remembering, learning, planning, judgement making, reasoning, and problem solving. It is a natural part of the aging process, but can be accelerated by medical conditions like Alzheimer's disease or vascular factors like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Signs of cognitive decline include:

Cognitive decline ranges from mild changes to more severe impairment. Early on, symptoms may be subtle and chalked up to "senior moments." But ongoing issues can signal underlying neurodegenerative disorders requiring medical care.

There are steps people can take to possibly slow or minimize age-related cognitive decline:

At Vital Hormone Clinic, we also offer hormone therapy to help combat mild cognitive impairment. Our customized bioidentical hormone regimens can help alleviate troublesome menopause or andropause symptoms while also providing neuroprotective benefits that support better brain health.

I hope this overview on cognitive decline was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm always happy to discuss the latest research on supporting healthy brain aging.

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