Testosterone therapy

Testosterone therapy refers to treatments that aim to raise low testosterone levels. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that plays key roles in sexual and reproductive development. In men, it influences libido, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength.
Why do some men pursue testosterone therapy? As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline. Some men experience unpleasant symptoms like low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, and diminished energy levels as a result. Testosterone replacement therapy can relieve these issues. It can also help counteract other health conditions like osteoporosis.

What does treatment involve? There are different forms of testosterone replacement:

Who is a candidate? Men over 30 with consistent low testosterone blood levels and symptoms may benefit. We also treat transgender patients seeking masculinization.

Is there risks? Potential side effects include acne, swelling, and increased red blood cell count. Proper monitoring helps minimize risks. Heart disease and prostate cancer risks are still debated. Our doctors discuss all precautions during consultations.

In summary, testosterone replacement effectively relieves symptoms of low T in men. Under a specialist's care, side effects are typically mild. If struggling with fatigue, sexual dysfunction or changes from age-related decline, consider getting tested. Vital Hormone Clinic offers fullservice testosterone therapy tailored to your needs. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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